IDOLS - List of Greek Gods 

The following false gods are attached to black Greek-lettered organizations 
(some are shown on the crest and/or mentioned in the rituals, while others are an indirect connection).
Alpha Phi AlphaSphinx: Mythical creature in Egyptian, Asian, and Greek mythology (in Egypt it is associated with the sun god Ra)

Horus: Egyptian sky god
Alpha Kappa AlphaAtlas: Greek god (shown on crest)

Themis: Greek Titan goddess (mentioned in rituals)

Qetesh/Qadesh: Semitic fertility goddess of Canaan/Syria or Sumeria goddess of beauty, love, and lust (informal association)
Delta Sigma ThetaMinerva: Roman goddess of wisdom and war (shown on crest and in rituals)
Iota Phi ThetaCentaur: Greek mythical creatures most notably known for savagery, drunkenness, and violence (sexual violence in particular). The centaur Chiron is claimed to represent wisdom.
Kappa Alpha PsiApollo: Greek god of sun and light (mentioned in rituals)

Ares: Greek god of war/battle (mentioned in rituals)

Thoth: Egyptian moon god of wisdom, magic, etc.
Omega Psi PhiShekinah (also known as Asherah/Ashtoreth/Astarte) - female goddess spirit in Kabbalah & Merkavah myticism and Gnosticism (omega rituals refer to spirit of omega as female in nature)

Anubis: Egyptian god of the dead (depicted with head of a jackal/dog)
Phi Beta SigmaPallas Athena: Greek goddess of wisdom and war

Horus: Egyptian sky god

(Note: Phi Beta Sigma & Zeta Phi Beta are constitutionally bound, thus, the false gods spiritually overlap as well)
Sigma Gamma RhoAurora: Roman goddess (mentioned in rituals)
Zeta Phi BetaArchon: Demon or underworld ruler in Gnosticism

Bastet: Egyptian cat-headed goddess (informal association; pledges are often referred to as "kittens")

(Note: Zeta Phi Beta & Phi Beta Sigma are constitutionally bound, thus, the false gods spiritually overlap as well)
All organizations with hazingSet/Seth: Egyptian god of war, disorder, violence, pain, and god of the desert/desert storms (Note: Many greek orgs use the term "set" for underground hazing activities. In addition, "crossing the burning sands" refers to going from a pledge to becoming a full member)